Injured by a faulty floor jack

Injured by a faulty floor jack

  • 5 Ways You Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case

    If you have been injured at the fault of another, then you are likely going to want to follow through with a personal injury claim made against them. This will ensure that your medical bills and other expenses that came with the injury are fully covered. However, if you are going through with a personal injury claim, there are a few things that you could possibly do to damage your chances of winning.

  • Understanding Comparative Fault And The Statute Of Limitations

    A lawsuit can be a very tricky process, so if you are planning on filing one, then you need all the help that you can get. After all, a single misstep could destroy your chances of getting the compensation that you need. There are so many different important laws that it can be downright impossible to keep track of them all. To help you out with that, here are two of the most important legal concepts to understand when it comes to personal injury lawsuits:

  • 4 Reasons You May Be Denied Disability

    If you've suffered an accident that prevents you from being able to work, you may be considered disabled. This can be a difficult time for you and one way to help you survive financially is to receive social security disability. However, this is not an easy status to achieve even though studies show that 37 million Americans have been classified as being disabled. If you're in this situation, you may be interested in some of the common reasons disability is frequently denied.

  • Denied VA Benefits? What Is Your Claim Missing?

    There are a lot of rumors about how claims for Veterans Affairs (VA) disability are denied. The system is complex and sometimes strict because of the need to battle against fraud, but many veterans feel as if they're being denied just to keep the backlog down or because of misbehavior at the claims office. Put the rumors aside for a while, as even if there's shady dealing at your claims office, there are ways to get around failure and move closer to success.

  • Understanding Who Can Be Responsible For Your Motorcycle Accident

    Finding out who is liable for your motorcycle accident isn't always as obvious as you would think, especially if no other vehicle was involved. The fact is that there are several different entities that can be at fault, from other drivers on the road to the manufacturers of your equipment. The following guide can help you determine who you need to seek damages from. Other Cars While you may not have been hit by another car, that doesn't mean that another driver isn't at fault.

2024© Injured by a faulty floor jack
About Me
Injured by a faulty floor jack

My husband does much of our auto repair work himself. We do all that we can to save a dollar when we can, and doing the repair work saves us a small fortune each year. Unfortunately, all of the money that we have saved over the past 15 years has gone to pay the medical bills that we have accumulated during the last several months after a floor jack failed and dropped our car on top of my husband. A few days after the incident, I contacted an injury attorney. I have created a blog to help others that have been injured due to faulty products find some sort of resolution.
