Injured by a faulty floor jack

Injured by a faulty floor jack

  • 4 Mistakes Not To Make If You Want To Receive SSDI Benefits

    If you are trying to get Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits, commonly referred to as "disability benefits" or "SSDI", you may think it's a straightforward process. However, it can be easy to make mistakes that lead to a denial of benefits. Here are some mistakes to avoid when filing for disability benefits. Earning Too Much Money If you make more than a certain amount of money each month, you will be facing a denial of benefits.

  • Why The Investigative Process In A Personal Injury Lawsuit Takes Some Time

    If you are working with an attorney on a personal injury case, expect your attorney to take time to investigate your claims before going forward with your case. You should be prepared for your attorney to take at least a month to investigate your claims. If your case is extremely intricate, it may even take your lawyer longer to investigate your claims.  It Takes Time To Gather All The Information

  • Can Your Personal Injury Case Affect Your Workers' Compensation Case?

    One thing that can confuse people is the difference between a workers' compensation case and a personal injury case. Of course, this confusion often comes up when you're dealing with both types of cases simultaneously. This situation can occur if a third party was involved in your accident. Here's what you need to know. How Your Workers' Comp Case Affects Your Personal Injury Case Your third-party lawsuit, or personal injury case, can and will occur normally.

  • Steps To Take When You're Absent From Work Due To An Auto Accident

    The unexpected nature of a car accident can turn your life upside down, especially when you are injured in the accident. In addition to recovering from your injuries, you may feel stress due being absent from work and lost wages. If you are not at fault for the accident, you have a few options when you miss work due to a car accident injury. Take the following steps to recoup damages that result from missing work due to an auto accident injury:

  • Terms You Should Discuss With Your Personal Injury Attorney About Liability

    You can try to live your life in a plastic bubble, but you can never control the actions, or negligence, of others. It is common for the blatant disregard of another individual to cause an accident that leaves you injured, in pain, or even unable to work. From car accidents to irresponsible business owners, it can seem that when you are injured, there is no way anyone could say you are at fault for your own pain and suffering.

  • 2024© Injured by a faulty floor jack
    About Me
    Injured by a faulty floor jack

    My husband does much of our auto repair work himself. We do all that we can to save a dollar when we can, and doing the repair work saves us a small fortune each year. Unfortunately, all of the money that we have saved over the past 15 years has gone to pay the medical bills that we have accumulated during the last several months after a floor jack failed and dropped our car on top of my husband. A few days after the incident, I contacted an injury attorney. I have created a blog to help others that have been injured due to faulty products find some sort of resolution.
