Injured by a faulty floor jack

Injured by a faulty floor jack

  • A Few Things To Consider Before Signing A Settlement In A Personal Injury Case

    If you are involved in a personal injury case, there is a good chance your lawyer will work out some type of pre-trial settlement with the insurance company of the person responsible for your injuries. However, before you agree to sign the papers, there are a few things you need to consider. Talk with your personal injury lawyer and read the entire settlement agreement, keeping these things in mind. Lawyer's Fees

  • 3 Signs Of Nursing Home Abuse

    If you have a loved one who lives in a nursing home facility, you may be concerned about possible abuse. You have likely heard numerous stories about incidents from others which may be more than a bit concerning. It's important to be on the lookout for potential warning signs that may indicate abuse has taken place. Knowing what to look for is ideal to help you spot any wrongdoing and get it corrected as quickly as possible.

  • Potential Difficulties with Failure to Diagnose Injury Cases

    If a doctor fails to diagnose your medical problem, then you may not get the relevant treatment, and your health may take a turn for the worse. You can hold the doctor liable for the subsequent complications if you can prove that he or she failed to take the steps that a reasonable competent doctor would have taken in his or her place. However, this wouldn't be a straightforward case because these three things may complicate it:

  • Make Sure You Are Prepared For A Car Accident

    No one ever wants to think that they will get into a car accident. However, around 5.4 million non-fatal car accidents occur each year; which means the odds are in your favor that someday you may be involved in a car accident. Here are six things you need to keep in your vehicle so you are prepared in the event of an accident: Carry Some Type Of Emergency Signal If you ever get into a car accident, you are going to want to set up a safe area around the crash.

  • The Most Common Workplace Injuries May Surprise Business Owners

    If you are a business owner, you know the importance of obtaining workers compensation insurance. In fact, workers compensation is required by law in some states. However, many employers think that major workplace injuries account for the majority of workers compensation claims. In actuality, most claims are caused by minor mishaps or injuries. Here are some of the most common workplace injuries that result in a worker's compensation claim. Falls

  • 2024© Injured by a faulty floor jack
    About Me
    Injured by a faulty floor jack

    My husband does much of our auto repair work himself. We do all that we can to save a dollar when we can, and doing the repair work saves us a small fortune each year. Unfortunately, all of the money that we have saved over the past 15 years has gone to pay the medical bills that we have accumulated during the last several months after a floor jack failed and dropped our car on top of my husband. A few days after the incident, I contacted an injury attorney. I have created a blog to help others that have been injured due to faulty products find some sort of resolution.
