Injured by a faulty floor jack

Injured by a faulty floor jack

  • Two Things You May Not Realize You Can Be Compensated For After An Auto Accident

    You probably already know you can get money for auto repairs and medical bills after you've been involved in a car accident and the other person was a fault. However, there are quite a few smaller expenses you can also be reimbursed for that you may forget about in the course of wrangling with the insurance company to get the bigger items in your claim paid. Here are two things you should be sure to ask the auto insurance company of the at-fault driver to pay for after you've been involved in a collision.

  • Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

    Have you recently been injured in an accident? Are you considering filing a lawsuit so that you can be reimbursed for your medical expenses? Filing a lawsuit can be difficult and time-consuming, but the task can be made easier with the help of a good personal injury attorney. Before you hire just any lawyer, you should make sure that he or she will be the right one for your needs. Here are some questions to ask to help make sure that you make the right choice:

  • Dealing With Pain After Leaving The Military?

    Although Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics, hospitals and administrative offices exist to support veterans as they transition to a civilian life, the system isn't without its problems. From slow wait times to a somewhat difficult disability claim process, it's possible for a legitimately suffering veteran to be caught up in delays and denials that only exacerbate the stressful transition phase. Take a look at a few issues that you can neutralize or overcome and ways that a personal injury attorney can help.

  • Were You Clipped On Your Motorcycle? Gather Your Evidence And Call A Lawyer Fast

    If someone clipped and injured you while you were on your motorcycle and working isn't going to be an option anytime soon, it's time to contact a lawyer. You don't know when or if you can return back to work, and you don't want to struggle with money because of someone else's careless driving. If they didn't have insurance or their insurance provider isn't being responsive about the case, it's time to look to legal representation for help.

  • Tips For Starting And Keeping A Journal For Documenting Your Injury After A Fall Accident

    If you have recently sustained serious injuries in a fall accident at a local business, you may have decided to file a claim to cover your injuries. To make your and your attorney's case for you stronger, use the following tips for starting and keeping a journal to document the accident, as well as your injuries and how they affect your day-to-day life. Make Your First Entry An Account Of The Accident

  • 2024© Injured by a faulty floor jack
    About Me
    Injured by a faulty floor jack

    My husband does much of our auto repair work himself. We do all that we can to save a dollar when we can, and doing the repair work saves us a small fortune each year. Unfortunately, all of the money that we have saved over the past 15 years has gone to pay the medical bills that we have accumulated during the last several months after a floor jack failed and dropped our car on top of my husband. A few days after the incident, I contacted an injury attorney. I have created a blog to help others that have been injured due to faulty products find some sort of resolution.
